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The Joy-Based Business Leader
Welcome to the Quarter that Changes Your Life
Welcome from Quinn (2:57)
How to Use This Program
About Quinn
Optional Joy-Based Business Media List
Guided Meditation
Week 1: Your Brain on Joy
Our Brains on Joy (3:33)
Fear Eats Joy for Breakfast
Those Lions Feel Real, but Aren't
A More Joyful Business
Guided Meditation
JoySheet Reflection
Week 2: The Joy-Based Business Framework
Joy and Business (2:44)
Toxic Beliefs About Business
Undercurrents of Fear
What Is Joy?
The Four-Sided Framework
Guided Meditation
JoySheet Reflection
Week 3: The ROI of Joy
The ROI of Joy (2:49)
Survival of the Joyful
Measuring Impact
Guided Meditation
JoySheet Reflection
Week 4: You and Joy
You and Joy (3:24)
Experiencing Joy
Noticing Your Joy
Joy and the Body
Your Joy Crushers
Guided Meditation
JoySheet Reflection
Week 5: A History of (Your) Joy
Taking Inventory (2:09)
Joy, a History
Joy Inventory
Noticing Patterns
Guided Meditation
JoySheet Reflection
Week 6: Your Joy Story
Joy Stories (2:34)
Humans Love Stories
Synthesis and Vision
Get Ready to Create
Guided Meditation
JoySheet Reflection
Week 7: Why Business Owners Struggle with Joy
Struggling with Joy (3:04)
Trouble at the Top
A Nervous System in Overdrive
The Struggle for Stasis
Guided Meditation
JoySheet Reflection
Week 8: Business as a Practice of Joy
Practicing Joy (3:36)
Your Business, Your Mat
Framework Review
Custom Joy Practice
JoySheet Reflection
Week 9: Joy, Meet Purpose
Joy and Purpose (2:00)
You Have Purpose(s)
You're Getting Warmer
Map of Joy and Purpose
Guided Meditation
JoySheet Reflection
Week 10: Grief and Joy
Grief and Joy (3:47)
Deep Grief, Deep Joy
Your Experiences with Grief
Less Numbness, More Joy
Guided Meditation
JoySheet Reflection
Week 11: Designing for Even More Joy
Designing for Joy (2:23)
The Next Right Step
A Design Based in Joy
This Is Only a Test
Guided Meditation
JoySheet Reflection
Week 12: Joy, Success, and Celebration
Congratulations! (1:54)
Yay for You!
Metrics Review
Plan for Continued Growth
Guided Meditation
JoySheet Reflection
Designing for Joy
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